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The Spirituality and Health individuals have ordered materials connecting good health with spiritual issues such as prayer, compassion towards others, dealing with anger, loss, and mindfulness. These whole health consumers are seeking help for themselves and loved ones in all areas that embrace heart, mind, body and spirit. Their search for health, wellness and balance has motivated these individuals to read about products and services they can use to acquire a spiritually balanced, whole health life. Reach out to them with your product or service that connects their need to merge Spirituality and Health. Select a targeted market by topic of publication or video. Other selects include, recency, gender and geographic area. Sourced from subscriptions to magazines/publications on Spirtuality and Health. Abbey Press and Theological Book Service.
Segments | Description | Price |
189,885 | TOTAL UNIVERSE / BASE RATE | $90.00/M |
5,393 | ADDICTIONS | + $5.00/M |
11,111 | ANGER | + $5.00/M |
18,903 | DEPRESSION | + $5.00/M |
22,382 | FINANCIAL PROBLEMS | + $5.00/M |
28,873 | GRIEF | + $5.00/M |
16,816 | MINDFULNESS | + $5.00/M |
33,381 | PRAYER | + $5.00/M |
32,980 | RELATIONSHIPS | + $5.00/M |
29,366 | STRESS | + $5.00/M |
1,092 | WORK AND FAMILY BALANCE | + $5.00/M |